צפיות בכותרות
י"ג בחשוון התש"פ
▲︎ לוהט
▲︎ חם
▲︎ עוררו עניין
16:53:27 ◀︎ Former prime minister Olmert will undergo planned surgery on Tuesday
17:00:22 ◀︎ PM: Journalism is not only a profession but also an educational instrument
17:01:31 ◀︎ Jordan confirms: An Israeli citizen is detained in our territory
17:10:35 ◀︎ Netanyahu: Minority government with support of Arab parties is dangerous
17:15:01 ◀︎ Neria Zarog's detention extended until Tuesday
17:18:27 ◀︎ Bill: Courts can disqualify evidence obtained by improper means
17:21:56 ◀︎ Graham: Impeachment is invalid until we know whistleblower's identity
17:34:26 ◀︎ Netanyahu: Govt. dependent on Arab parties a danger to Israel
17:35:27 ◀︎ IDF investigating shooting at El Aroub
17:44:33 ◀︎ Heads of Blue and White and Yisrael Beytenu will meet Tuesday
17:52:25 ◀︎ PA media: IDF forces deployed at entrance to al-Aruv refugee camp
17:57:03 ◀︎ IAEA: Iran violates the 2015 agreement in more than one way
17:58:11 ◀︎ Ukraine's Burisma lobbied Obama admin to drop probe: Report
17:59:19 ◀︎ Poll: Public attaches little importance to 'peace process'
18:10:00 ◀︎ Liberman: I'm acting logically without personal consideration
18:21:52 ◀︎ Moderately wounded in Holon stabbing
18:23:06 ◀︎ Nasrallah: Iran has won, US threat removed
18:34:16 ◀︎ Dozens protest at Tel Aviv city hall against Shabbat transportation
18:37:32 ◀︎ 'Schiff needs to explain his contact with the whistleblower'
18:39:49 ◀︎ Likud to Liberman: Government that depends on Arabs worse than elections
18:47:46 ◀︎ Jordan’s Ambassador to Israel to return in a few days
18:55:54 ◀︎ Cars spraypainted with swastikas and hate messages northeast of London
18:59:23 ◀︎ Gantz on IAEA report: World must sharpen economic sanctions on Iran
19:16:43 ◀︎ UN envoy calls death of rioter shocking
19:31:44 ◀︎ Hamas will release new information on 2018 Khan Younis incident
19:35:12 ◀︎ 'If this were a fair trial, Trump would have Bolton testify
19:39:48 ◀︎ Boeing aircraft grounded last year could return to service next month
19:54:35 ◀︎ Important business conference slated for December in Tel Aviv
19:57:55 ◀︎ Holon: 2 lanes of Moshe Dayan Street closed due to accident
20:06:00 ◀︎ Tel Aviv approves Shabbat shuttles
20:10:13 ◀︎ Suspect arrested for injuring a girl with his car at Kafr Manda entrance
20:25:27 ◀︎ Unity government: Will Netanyahu resign after a year?
20:28:50 ◀︎ Schiff responds to GOP wanting Hunter Biden to testify
20:34:41 ◀︎ Putin and Merkel discuss Ukraine, Libya and Syria
20:35:50 ◀︎ Minister Ofir Akunis warns: 'In three weeks, government of withdrawals will arise'
20:41:37 ◀︎ Detention of "phony travel agent" from Nesher extended until Friday
21:01:07 ◀︎ MK Stern vs IDF Chief Rabbi
21:04:48 ◀︎ American Eagle flight slides off runway at O'Hare
21:08:16 ◀︎ Lightly wounded in Jerusalem bus stoning
21:14:46 ◀︎ Threats to Jewish institutions in India
21:36:44 ◀︎ Unity government: Will Netanyahu resign after year?
21:37:53 ◀︎ EU court to decide on labeling of Jewish products tomorrow
21:49:22 ◀︎ Head of US Central Command concludes 1st visit to Israel
22:04:13 ◀︎ EU, UK, France and Germany call on Iran to reverse recent atomic steps
22:26:03 ◀︎ Report: Russian sub entered Israeli waters off the coast of Tel Aviv
22:37:37 ◀︎ Deri: Shas will leave if Netanyahu does not honor a rotation agreement
22:38:45 ◀︎ How Ukraine’s bloody 2014 revolution affected Jews
22:50:13 ◀︎ Opinion: Changing the culture of Washington
22:51:15 ◀︎ Report: Israel extradites Russian hacker to the US
23:19:38 ◀︎ Watch: Israeli Air Force base's Tetris challenge